The man behind Student Activities

Josh Brester

Creighton Prep has a new Jesuit joining us this year, and his name is Dan Kennedy, SJ. Kennedy started at Prep this summer and is the Director of Student Activities.

Kennedy says that when he first arrived, it felt very hospitable and was able to form relationships with teachers and students.

“Coming in at the summer when I didn’t get to see the wide swath of personnel, factual and staff, and students here; but I only got to see smaller subsections of that group, I felt very welcomed here,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy enjoys a lot of what he does because he says he gets to work with students. As the Director of Student Activities, he is trying to help every student be able to enjoy their Prep experience.
“My work is geared towards those students who feel like they haven’t been able to get involved or to find outlets for them to get involved so that they can take the most out of the Prep experience,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy is currently a Regent. , He received his Masters degree in Philosophy at St. Louis University. Once he was done, the provincial decide he wanted Kennedy to help at a school. After waiting for the provincial to decide where he would go, he learned in late March that he would be coming here to Prep.

Even though Kennedy is new, he has already formed relationships with students and teachers.

“My primary goal here is to help people encounter Jesus in some way, partly in how I model my life and partly in reflection or activities that I engage in; how I can help people encounter the Lord so they can grow in Faith, Hope and Love,” Kennedy said.