Winter Sports Midseason Review – Part 2

Jimmy Rosenthal, Jay Journal Staff

Swimming: The Jr. Jays swim team has had an amazing season. They have an undefeated season against all Nebraska teams.
“The team has been working hard this season,” said coach James Justice. “A lot of guys have stepped up in practice and in meets to compete. Every meet really have been a team effort. Hopefully we can continue that trend as we move into the last few weeks of the season leading up to State.”
Powerlifting: The powerlifting team is looking to defend their state title again this year. They have talent in some younger and some older athletes.
“The season started off a little slow, guys really came around. We have a lot of new teams coming new competition,” said Coach Dan Barton. ” I’ve seen a big turn around in guys. We have a younger team this year. Some of the athletes have been in a meet, and they surprised me a lot placing in the first meet. You can’t blame anyone else but yourself with the bar, because that’s all there is on the platform.”