Parking lots at Creighton Prep were left unplowed on January 8th and 9th. Many workers helped to plow the snow and clean up the campus before school would resume again. (Mac Johnson)Both Creighton Prep’s and the American flag wave in the wind during the second snow day on January 9th, 2024. Creighton Prep was closes on Monday and Tuesday due to heavy snow and ice. (Mac Johnson)A promotional banner and the trees surrounding the Creighton Prep campus were covered in snow on January 9th. After a light amount of snow on Monday the 8th, the heavy snow arrived early Tuesday morning. (Mac Johnson)The Creighton Prep logo atop Leahy Stadium was filled with snow following Tuesday morning’s snowfall. Bleachers and the field inside Leahy Stadium were also covered in white. (Mac Johnson)Ice and snow takes over the metal beams outside the Commons. A rare school weekday without students voices heard in the commons. (Mac Johnson)Creighton Prep’s iconic bell tower stands strong in the snow. The bell tower continued to ring every hour regardless of the snow day. (Mac Johnson)Entrances to Creighton Prep were enclosed by heavy snow on Tuesday morning. The signage welcoming visitors to the building was hardly readable in the winter conditions. (Mac Johnson)Creighton Prep’s seal and the empty trees were snow filled on Tuesday morning. (Mac Johnson)St. Ignatius and his “AMDG” message were engulfed in snow and ice. Icicles stood at the bottom of the statue throughout the snow day. (Mac Johnson)Sidewalks were left covered in snow during the breaks in school on Monday in Tuesday. Creighton Prep’s signage remained readable even with the heavy snow conditions. (Mac Johnson)A snow covered bush stands in front of Creighton Prep’s bell tower. Most bushed and plants around campus were all filled up with ice and snow.Jurgensen Park’s baseball field and bleachers were all overlaid by snow on January 9th. A snowy sign reads “No Seeds or Gum” in the bleachers of the ballpark.A woman walks her dog on Creighton Prep’s campus during a snow day for students and days off work for many adults. The dog pictured is a St. Bernard, which is known for working in winter conditions (Mac Johnson)